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Justin Dunn American Mustang School February Newsletter 2021


Things are happening!

Here we are in February, 2021 of an exciting time! We have been here in North Carolina making great progress toward fulfilling our purpose of helping people and horses.

Due to the "noise" or effects of the dominating political stuff, government lock downs, and global influence on how we will forever conduct our personal lives in the future, we were able to keep on going.......barely.

It is my preference to never complain about things that seem to be "bad" or going "wrong". In horsemanship, things happen and we observe and make changes. We look for progress, and transformation, focusing on all of the things we desire. In life, we learn from the horses that we should do the same.

During the times of "noise" or outside distractions, I found at times it was easy to get caught up in the trough of disillusionment. As it turns out, it was in that time, we made some real advancements. The "noise" allowed us time to develop infrastructure, create connections with people, and prepare for the coming slope of enlightenment. (Look at,

American Mustang School is so much more than a school promoting health and wellness, while preserving mustang horses. AMS is about sustaining an enriched life, connecting people and animals, existing together while embracing nature, regardless of whatever "noise" is taking place.

As we move up the slope of enlightenment, heading toward the plateau of productivity, its important to realize those that are helping make it into a reality.

Last month, was probably our lowest time in the trough, yet was our highest time in realizing the support we were attracting. AMS received some donations from people that really care about what we are doing.

I'd like to personally thank, Hot Rods for Veterans INC. for donating $1,500 to our Veteran program! Kristina and I have been providing sessions at no charge to veterans and first responders since we arrived here 18 months ago. Toward the end of last year, we realized it was no longer an option to continue the programs. The "noise" had created something we could not have planned for, and funding was a critical factor in sustaining our program.

Hot Rods for Veterans will be helping us with funding going forward, and it was just the lift we needed to continue. If you would like to donate through a 501c to help AMS, please do. At the time of writing this, we have 6 veterans actively participating in our program. We have had over 20 since we've been here. Every one of them greatly appreciate that AMS is here, and accessible.

The life changing things that I get to witness my horses do for others is payment enough for me. I just wish all of the bill collectors felt the same! In reality, it takes funding to sustain, and grow. I am so thankful that we are not alone in the desires to see AMS continue to advance toward what we set out to do.

Thank you all for being a part of our passion, Love to all of you.



Last Month's Roundup

Cinnamon accepts donation from our new partner, Hot Rods for Veterans

Cinnamon and Justin were honored to receive a donation from our friends at Hot Rods for Veterans, Inc. (a non-profit 501(c) organization.) This money will be used to fund equine assisted therapy sessions for veterans at AMS.

If you want to fund therapy sessions for our veterans make a donation to Hot Rods for Veterans and earmark it for AMS.

This Happened

Sunshine and I went out exploring the land around our farm and THIS HAPPENED. One minute we were riding along and the next minute Sunshine was belly-deep in mud!

If you practice being in control of your thoughts, emotion, attitude and actions, it pays off in situations like this.

Jump over to our Private Horsemanship Group to view the video and see how we got out of this situation. Not a member of our Horsemanship Group? Get started today.


AMS Adventures - Here's What's Coming Up

Horsemanship Clinic - February 15 - 10 am to 3 pm

  • Bring your horse for one on one instruction with Justin Dunn.

  • We will address common issues that you and your horse may encounter together on the trail.

  • Confidence building, ground communication, saddle communication, and real world focused riding to overcome any situation. Know what to do to instill confidence in yourself and your horse.

  • Best way to learn is through observation and experimentation. Prepare+Practice=Confidence

  • Justin will show you things that will enhance the communication, and create a willing partner in your horse. Encouraging your horse to look to you for guidance, and show you how to be the guide when needed.

Participants: 12

Current Coggins test required

Early arrival 9AM, be saddled and ready by 10 AM, bring sack lunch for 1 hr Q&A

No refunds for cancellation, option for future clinic.

Price: $100 per participant

To Register: Go to our homepage and click on Pay For Services Here - Buy Now button at the top of the page.

American Mustang School featured in the Sandhills Magazine

One of our local magazines plans to feature AMS in its next issue - likely available 2/3/21. Keep an eye on this page for updates and if you are local check magazine stands around town.


Words to Ride By

"Let your horse work in his/her sweet spot." - Justin Dunn

Remember horses are individuals. Do you know your horse's sweet spot? Does he like trail riding? Does she like to jump? Does he like obstacle riding? You should learn about the activities your horse likes and do those things with him. Forcing your horse to work in an area that YOU demand she work in can be a very detrimental to your relationship.


Horse Myth Busters

Courtesy of Your Horse Magazine

Horses always sleep standing up - Myth

Horse can doze while standing up as they have a ‘stay mechanism’ that allows their muscles to relax without their bodies collapsing.

However, to enter REM sleep horses have to lie down. They need to do this for a couple of hours every four to five days as an absolute minimum. They will lie down more often when part of a herd, due to safety in numbers.

Horses grow new teeth - Myth

A horse is born with all the teeth they will have during their lifetime. Most of their tooth structure is above the gum line, and as horses grind their teeth down on hay as they chew, the teeth descend and grow through as and when they’re needed.

Horses should be fed at the same time everyday - Myth

We all know the fuss a horse can make when they’re expecting their feed; however, this horse myth may simply have arisen out of routine. Horses who are fed at specific times are bound to expect meals at certain intervals, but there is no real reason to stick to a regimented feeding schedule at all.


American Mustang School Horse Spotlight

Name - Nelly (Mule) one of many Justin has trained (learned from)

Age at training - 3

What were the natural strengths of this horse? Nelly was a mule, and she was super smart. Being unhandled for the first 3 years of life, clean slate.

What potentials for growth were present at the start of the relationship with this horse? No one had ever trained her before me. She was born on a neighbor's ranch to a wild stud donkey and a once wild mustang mare. So, she was half donk, half mustang, which makes her 100% awesome! Potentials for growth for me was to communicate with her and find out which half was dominant in her and what I could learn.

How did I aid growth in these areas? As always, I used Five Part Series to get a deeper understanding of her, and allow her to get a deeper understanding of me. The cool part is she got a deeper understanding of herself as did I of myself.

What did this horse learn about himself during our shared experience? She learned to be more relaxed in the human element, accept the human things like saddles, trailers, ropes, corrals, multiple people handling her.

What did this horse learn from me? She learned that people are worthy to follow, and that the human element can be very fun and life enriching.

What did I learn from her? I learned to be patient, allow the time it takes.

If a donkey won the lottery, they would give it all to you,!

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