Things are happening
by Justin Dunn

We have broken ground on the barn and gone on some new adventures. We've made some new contacts, and have kept busy.
Building a new business in itself is an adventure. It takes planning, focused thinking and commitment. As the idea sets in and manifests, the reality of that idea starts to reveal itself to others. At first, explaining an idea to others is difficult, and sometimes seems harder than actually making the idea become a reality.
Developing a relationship with horses is similar to building a business. The ideas of creating a willing partner in a wild horse are actually easier to achieve than explaining to others how to do it.
The adventure of bringing an idea into a reality is what life is all about. If you look around inside your house, or outside in a city. The man made things you see were all once someone's idea. I'll even go further with natural non man made things. They too were once an "idea", and were brought into a reality. The horse, or every animal for that matter was created to point us to the "one" that created all things.
Life as I know it, is an adventure. It's amazing to live in a country where we have the freedom to think of an idea and make it into a reality. The many horses that I have trained under helped me to understand that there is a higher power, a higher purpose and all I have to do is put forth the effort.
As I planned the transition from Colorado to North Carolina, I had an idea of what would happen. Once I started down the path, it became clear that YHWH had been ready to provide everything that was needed. The most amazing things I witnessed were the people that were provided. Without going into too much detail, I had wondered if the work I was doing was worth doing. One day a participant in the horse therapy program told me that the horses and the program saved his life. I asked him to please explain. He told me that a week before we met, he had been contemplating suicide. He told me the thoughts had started a year earlier, and had become daily continuous thoughts. I knew right then, the work it took to get here had been worth it.
You see, people are put into our paths for a reason. We don't always know the reason, at the time or ever. It's become apparent that horses were put into my path for a reason. Many of the natural made things are put into our path to point us in the direction of fulfilling our higher purpose. In the same respect, man made things too can have an impact on our fulfillment of adventures.
As I write this to you, it seems important to tell you that if you open to the wonderful possibilities, and apply an understanding that the universe is so ready to provide all that you want or desire, it will happen.
Life is an adventure, full of valuable lessons from all of creation, and ready to be fulfilled and passed on to others.
I try to keep these stories brief, and to the point. If you ever need more information, or just have a question, let me know.
Thank you for being a part of my adventure, I truly appreciate you.

Last Month's Roundup
We had some more wonderful therapy sessions at AMS this month. In addition to working with veterans, Justin has been holding therapy sessions for some amazing kids!
We made some new contacts for some much needed funding. Let's hope for the best.

AMS Adventures - Here's What's Coming Up
We will continue with our Member Group videos and veteran therapy sessions this month. As COVID restrictions ease we will offer other programs.
Words to Ride By
"Creating a willing partner in your horse takes time. Enjoy the time it takes."
Justin Dunn

Quotes to inspire proper thoughts and attitude - Can you guess who is credited with these quotes?
“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” “He that can have patience can have what he will.” “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” “The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” “Many people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five.” Answer below...
American Mustang School Horse Spotlight

Name - Little Paint (American Paint Horse)
Age - 10
Favorite activity - Therapy sessions with children
Best adventure with Justin - We rode 20 miles to Great Sand Dunes in Colorado. We rode on the dunes and it was amazing!
Little Paint is special because - He had been very confused about his role in the human element. His anxiety was off the charts. Once we established communication, he came forward with his unique ability to adapt to many different children, with many different types of disabilities. He will relax down to the level that children with high anxiety can relax to as well.

Answer for Quote author
Benjamin Franklin
Still available...
Group members have access to discount and offers from my sponsors. Right now members get 10% off of all Big Dee's purchases and 20% of Synergy by Weaver products.

Not a member of our private Facebook group - Adventures of the Enlightened Horseman yet?
Please consider joining because every dollar goes toward providing Veterans and First Responders (and their families) Equine Assisted Therapy - at no charge to them.
In return, Justin shares his knowledge of Bitless, Spurless, No pain, No fear Horsemanship with you.
A win-win that could save someone's life and enrich your horsemanship!